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Buttercream Christmas Cake - Flower Cake

Buttercream Christmas Cake - Flower Cake

With the right set of tools and some Basic Buttercream Piping Skill, you can create this stunning looking, unique Buttercream Flower Cake that will wow everyone.

Watch the video in full first (it's just less than 4mins) and get familiarised with the techniques. Then come back here again after preparing all the materials and do it along with me.


Step 1: Smoothing the Cake with White Buttercream

Materials Needed:

  • Crumb-Coated Cake
  • White Coloured Buttercream
  • Spatula
  • Cake Smoother


  1. Start with a crumb-coated cake, which is a thin layer of frosting applied to trap any loose crumbs.
  2. Apply a generous amount of White Coloured Buttercream on top of the cake using a spatula.
  3. Spread the Buttercream evenly over the top and sides of the cake, creating a smooth layer.
  4. Use a Cake Smoother to scrape off excess frosting and achieve a smoother surface.
  5. Continue to smooth the Buttercream by holding the Cake Smoother at a slight angle and rotating the cake.

Step 2: Piping Poinsettia Flower with Buttercream

Materials Needed:

  • Piping bag
  • Wilton 352 nozzle
  • Red Buttercream
  • Yellow Buttercream


  1. Fill a piping bag fitted with Wilton 352 nozzle with red buttercream.
  2. Pipe a guide circle on the cake 
  3. Pipe the first layer of petals around the guide circle.
  4. Add a second and third layer of petals.
  5. Pipe a small amount of yellow buttercream dots in the center to complete the flower.

Step 3: Piping Buttercream Leaves

Materials Needed:

  • Piping bag
  • Wilton 352 Leaf nozzle
  • Green Buttercream


  1. Fill a piping bag fitted with Wilton 352 nozzle and Green Buttercream.
  2. Hold the bag at a 45-degree angle to the surface and pipe leaves by applying pressure and then releasing while pulling the tip away.

Step 4: Decorating Cake with Baubles

Materials Needed:

  • Gold Baubles or Christmas Decorations
  • Sprinkles


  1. Place the Baubles strategically on the cake, either randomly or in a pattern.
  2. Add sprinkles to enhance the look of the Cake.

Step 5: Piping Buttercream Border

Materials Needed:

  • Piping bag
  • Wilton 352 Leaf nozzle
  • Red Buttercream


  1. Fill a piping bag fitted with Wilton 352 nozzle and Red Buttercream.
  2. Pipe small leaf shaped petals along the border of the Cake.
  3. Maintain a consistent pressure on the piping bag for even borders.

Hope you will try this Christmas Design and do tag us when sharing in Social Media

Much love, 


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